"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Gainesville Carjacking Attorney
Carjacking is the forceful taking of a car from a person in his presence. It is first degree robbery and punishable with up to 30 years in the state prison. With your freedom at stake you need to take quick action to protect your rights and freedom. You need to immediately employ an attorney to secure evidence, contact witnesses and be present during any interrogations by police. You need to care in the selection of an attorney. Your choice of a Gainesville criminal defense lawyer experienced and proven in carjacking defense can greatly increase your chances for a dismissal or reduction of the charge.
We at Kinsell Law Firm serve the Gainesville, Florida community and are seasoned in the defense of carjacking charges. All of our carjacking defense attorneys are criminal defense veterans of more than 20 years. We pride ourselves on superior case preparation, excellent client care and attention and aggressive defense of our clients' rights.
Need a lawyer for a theft charge in Gainesville?
We meet you and learn everything about your case that you can tell us. Then we go to work searching out all available evidence and witnesses. We examine all the evidence the state has against you and challenge any that was obtained improperly. We scrutinize any confessions for violations of your constitutional rights with a view to making a motion to suppress. We prepare for trial by consulting expert witnesses that might be helpful, preparing exhibits and assembling witnesses on your behalf.
At trial we tenaciously object to improper actions by the state and energetically present your case with a purpose of obtaining acquittal. At all times in the process we are alert to opportunities to negotiate for a dismissal or reduction of the charge. We urge you to contact us for a confidential evaluation of your case by an experienced carjacking defense lawyer.
Contact a Gainesville carjacking attorney at the firm for a consultation.