Armed Robbery
"You Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty"
Gainesville Armed Robbery Attorney
Charged with armed robbery in Gainesville?
Armed Robbery is the forcible taking or property from another using a weapon. If you have been charged with this offense, your primary concern at this time should be to locate an experienced and practiced lawyer to defend you. It is never advised to represent yourself because you will be facing strong prosecution from the state by attorneys who want to put you in jail prison for many years. It is critical that you contact a criminal defense lawyer in Gainesville who will provide you with the aggressive defense you need.
The penalties depend on the nature of the weapon. If the weapon was a deadly such as a gun or knife, the penalty is a long prison sentence for as many years as the judge finds suitable, but not for life - this is where the sentencing for armed robbery separates itself from the sentencing for a regular robbery charge. For use of a lesser weapon, the penalties are not as severe but it is still a first degree felony. The penalties include a prison sentence, fines, probation, restitution of what was taken and a mark on your record.
Need a lawyer for a theft case in Gainesville?
We at Kinsell Law Firm serve the Gainesville, Florida area with the defense of clients charged with armed robbery. Our attorneys have over 20 years' experience in criminal law and have effectively represented countless clients that were charged with criminal offenses including robbery. We firmly hold to the principle that a person is innocent until proven guilty.
That is why we take seriously our duty to provide aggressive and unrelenting defense of our clients' rights. We know that while the circumstances of the charge can be compelling, the most important impact on the case outcome is the performance, dedication and insight employed by the defense attorney. That is why we work tirelessly to protect your freedom knowing that what we do for you is critical. We urge you to contact us for a free, confidential consultation.
Contact a Gainesville armed robbery attorney at the firm for a free case evaluation.